Bungee Classes

Basic I and II

Bungee Classes

These two classes are where a participant will become familiar with the harness and bungee equipment and where bungee movements and terminology are taught. Included in these classes will be a weight check for proper bungee resistance so each participant will have a safe and effective bungee training session. Please note due to insurance coverage clients need to weigh between 90 - 250lbs. Afterwards we dive right into some basic full-body cardio workout. Two basic bungee classes are required before the participant may move on to any higher level bungee classes. You will take basic I class then book your second basic II class afterwards. Clients can expect to burn an average of 350-600 calories in one workout! (45 minutes)

Intermediate Bungee

This class will focus on building what was learned from Basic Bungee. Classes will begin with a cardio warm-up and move right into beginner/intermediate level routines which will be executed one right after the other and lastly cool down. Six Intermediate bungee classes are required before the participant may move on to Advanced bungee classes. (45 minutes)

Advanced Bungee

This class will focus on burning calories and building muscle by incorporating light hand weights to the routines. We will focus on squats, lunges, biceps, triceps, and abs in between cardio training. This class will incorporate full-body movements, multi-directional skills, and multi-levels. Examples of challenging exercises will include dives, jumps, HIIT, handstands, etc. (40 minutes)

Classes Offered

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Basic I 6:45pm

Basic II 6:30pm

Intermediate 6:45pm

Bungee Tone-Up 5:30pm 5:30pm

Bootcamp 5:30pm 6:30pm

Barre Fusion *5:30pm

Basic Aerial Fly *5:30pm

*Depicts every other week

Yoga 7:30pm 7:10pm

Dance-Up 6pm